- Documentation

Create a new user

A user with the right "Administrator" is able to create a new user. Therefore, it is necessary to select the menu item "User" -> "Add". Afterwards it is possible to enter the trial site information in two steps.

In the first step account information (username and password) are requested. With click at the tab "General Information" or at "Next" the next step of the user creation process is show.

In the tab "General Information" the personal and contact information of the new user are requested. The next step is selection of the trial site, click at the tab or "Next".

After the selection of the trial site the last step of the creation process can reached with click at the tab "Rights" or "Next".

In the last step is is possible to set the rights of the new user (administrator, trial creation, or if available trial specific roles)

To finish the creation process it is necessary to click the button "save".